πŸ’³[CLOSED] 2022 Hackathon | low-code/no-code

Hey Peeps!!!

We were blown away by all the amazing projects you built and submitted for our Q4 hackathon last year and hope you are ready for the next one!

Starting in quarter two this year, our hackathon theme is Low-code/ No-code with Spreadsheet Banking (Read the origin blog post here).

Our goal for this Hackathon is to show the power of programmable banking and how it can be made more accessible for non-tech users.

If you're keen to jump in already, register to participate or be a team mentor here.

What is this hackathon about?

This is a virtual community hackathon. The challenge is to create useful solutions for non-technical peeps using Investec Programmable Banking with Spreadsheet Banking.

Stay updated with the Spreadsheet Banking build here and in our Slack channel.

You and your team are the credited β€˜owners’ of your ideas, code and content. However, in the spirit of the community, you are required to open source your code under the MIT License; see Rules and FAQs for more info. You can chat with us in the dedicated Hackathon Slack channel or email us at community-investec@offerzen.com.

Who can participate?

You may participate alone, but we highly recommend working in a team.

Please note that at least one person on your team must have access to an Investec Private Bank Account and have Programmable Banking activated on their account (developer docs here) - as you need to build a solution that is integrated with it.

The closing date for your final solution is Friday 22 July, 23:59 SAST.

Each submission must include:

Register here to join the Hackathon and let us know in the entry form if you also require access to a live demo/ community account - rather than using your own Investec account.

High-level things

Please reach out to community-investec@offerzen.com with any questions.

Your team should build a solution that uses the Spreadsheet Banking app as part of your Investec's Programmable Banking solution to show how businesses can make life easier or create efficiencies for others.

You must use the Spreadsheeting banking app in some way in your solution.

πŸ’‘ Pro Tips:

  • Make sure you understand the Primary Criteria (below) before coming up with ideas.

  • Focus on the use case - you should explain the problem you are trying to solve, how someone would use your solution and why.

  • Please keep it simple. If your solution saves someone 5 minutes a week - that's a meaningful impact on a real person's life!

  • Try to find smart workarounds if a platform limits you. Your solution doesn't need to be rolled out at scale to score well.

  • Ensure it works in production. For example, if you need to demonstrate a payment with a card, use SnapScan and donate R1.00 to a good cause.

  • Steal ideas, but credit sources.

Hackathon Details:


When does everything happen? | Timelines:

  • βœ… Hackathon teaser at the Meetup: Thur 21, April 222

  • βœ… Ideation meetup: Thur 26 May @ 18h30 - Play around with an alpha version

  • βœ… Launch meetup: Thur 30 June @ 18h30 - All the deets and how to get started

  • βœ… Submissions Open: Thur 30 June ( <-- START CODING)

  • βœ… Submit your builds here before: Fri 22 July 23h59 SAST ( <-- STOP CODING)

  • βœ… Community Votes & Sponsor deliberation between Mon 25 - Wed 27 July

  • βœ… πŸŽ‰ Winners Demos: Thur 28 July

What are the prize categories?:

  • Two end-user sponsors will have Ziggy bags filled with R45k of hard-grazed cash each to invest in submitted projects and the amounts they see fit.

  • Each Zebra will bid and offer cash to as many submissions as they want to invest in, and each submission chosen will be granted a good faith agreement.

    • The participants can choose to get half the cash for just sharing the idea/ POC build with the community OR can choose to build their project out further for the other half - it’s up to them. πŸ€‘

    • If the team decides to carry on building on their solution and take the full offered amount, they will have a 1:1 with the Sponsor to discuss the next steps as needed for the project.

  • The general Programmable Banking community will also have the opportunity to vote for their favourite solution.

    • The solution with the most votes will win a β€œCommunity Prize” bonus, over and above any other prizes.

All team members who submitted a complete application will receive Programmable Banking swag 🀩

Please see "Winners and Live Demos on 28 July 2022" below, "Prizes for winning teams", and "Forfeit of winning teams" under Rules below for more info.

What do I need to submit my build?:

You will be asked to provide the following when submitting your build:

Note: A majority (80%+) of your design elements, code, etc., for your project/feature, must be created for the event - i.e. it can't be something that you have already built. Your solution can use any language or framework.

What are the criteria for Sponsors looking at submissions?

The End-User Sponsors will be looking for a few things when considering how they will invest their hard grazed cash, including:

  1. Quality of the idea: simplicity, creativity and originality of the idea

  2. Potential strategic impact: potential for improving businesses

  3. Implementation of the concept: ease of use, documentation and source code

It is up to the Investor to decide to view the submitted projects in light of each criterion. Their decisions are at their discretion.

Community Votes: The general Programmable Banking community will also vote for their favourite solution.

When are prizes announced?

We'll be contacting and announcing winners throughout the week after submission closes.

NB! To qualify as a winner, each team must perform a live demo of how their solution works and answer questions from the audience in a 10-minute slot at the Programmable Banking Meetup at 6:30 pm on 28 July 2022. We will let winners know by 27 July that they have won to prepare for the demo.

If no one from a winning team attends the meetup and demos their solution, that team will forfeit and will not be awarded their winnings - please carefully read β€œForfeit of teams” in the Rules section.

Where can I find help from the community?

Hang out with participating teams and the community on Slack if you need help/ advice when building or find other people to join your team. Join us even if you just want to chill and watch other people build!

Join the Hackathon Slack channel: here.

Resources & guides:

Here's a collection of resources that will help you start building with Investec’srogrammable Banking API/ Card:

Additional Info:

Any intellectual property developed during the hackathon will belong to the team that created it. We expect each team to agree with themselves regarding the IP, but this is not required.

It is a requirement to open source your submission under the MIT License.

By submitting, you grant OfferZen & Investec permission to use screenshots, code-snippets and links to your project or content of your submission on our Twitter, blog, website, email updates, and in OfferZen slack channels. OfferZen and Investec do not make any claims over your IP.

Things we didn’t think of - SPOILER ALERT! We are humans. The OfferZen Community Management Team will try to be fair and inclusive. We reserve the right to have the final say in unforeseen circumstances. Please email us regarding any issues: community-investec@offerzen.com.

Nitty-gritty rules:

  • Prizes for teams - the full prize amount will be deposited into the selected bank account supplied by the winning team's Team Lead. Teams are responsible for dividing prizes amongst themselves.

  • Forfeit of teams - if a winning team does not present their solution at the Winners and Demos Meetup on 28 July 2022, winnings will be forfeited. Exceptions may be made under extenuating circumstances and at the discretion of the OfferZen Community Management team.

  • Disqualification - you may be disqualified and forfeit any prizes you may be eligible to receive if OfferZen or Investec reasonably believes that you have not complied with or attempted to undermine the legitimate operation of the Programmable Banking Hackathon.

  • Sponsors scoring - Sponsors will assess submissions completely at their discretion and are not required to provide explanations for their decisions.


How many people can be on my team? Can I enter alone?

You may enter alone or in a team. Please try to keep team sizes (1-5).

Can I/ my team apply more than once?

You may apply as many times as you want - but each application needs to be accompanied by a unique submission. We reserve the right to reject any application and will probably ask you to rather focus on one submission and make it really good.

Can I be part of multiple teams?

You can, but given the short time frame, we find the best and most thought out solutions come from people/ teams who focus on solving one problem at a time. It also helps when it comes time to divide up the winnings - who contributed most to the winning solution? :)

I don't have Programmable Banking; can I participate?
  • You will need to get access to an account either by opening one, getting permission to access one from an account holder, or working in a team with someone who does have access. You can find out more about opening an account and accessing Programmable Banking here: Programmable banking for software developers.

  • An Investec Private Bank account holder will need to get Programmable Banking activated on their account by asking their Investec Private Banker.

  • If you prefer access to a general community live test account, please register your intent to participate in the Hackathon before submissions open.

What happens after the hackathon?
  • Teams will be asked to present technical demos of their solutions at future Programmable Banking Community Meetups.

  • OfferZen may reach out to you about publishing your solution pitch and demo on the OfferZen Blog to showcase it to the companies and developers that use OfferZen.

Can you help me get started or answer my questions?

You can reach out to us at community-investec@offerzen.com, and we will do our best to help you get started or answer your questions.

Last updated