How to get your account, balance, and transaction data
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The Account information API allows you access to your account and transaction data. It can be used to retrieve things like account details and balances.
If you’re new to APIs and want to get familiar with using the endpoints, we recommend you create a Postman account (it's free) and use the Postman collections provided to test things out.
Investec Programmable Banking Postman Collection
It includes collections for the 🏦 Private Banking, 🧰 Corporate Investment Banking (CIB) and 💳Programmable card APIs.
Follow these steps for 🏦 Private Banking and 🧰 CIB, using the appropriate Postman collection and API endpoints as above.
Ensure have authenticated and pasted in your bearer token into the "Variables" tables.
Navigate to the Accounts folder and the GET Accounts query
Hit Send to make a call to the account information API endpoint (no additional parameters need to be set).
The Accounts query will returns accountID as well as account balance for 🧰 CIB.
The JSON response will include all of your accounts and each account has a unique ID (accountID) that you will use when transacting against it.
"data": {
"accounts": [
"accountNumber": "11223344556677",
"accountName": "Jane Smith",
"referenceName": "Jane Smith",
"productName": "Private Bank Account",
"kycCompliant": true,
"profileId": "9876543210"
"links": {
"self": ""
"meta": {
"totalPages": 1
"data": {
"accounts": [
"AccountHolderAddress": {
"AddressLine1": "",
"AddressLine2": "",
"City": "",
"Country": "",
"CountryCode": ""
"RoutingBIC": "",
"BankAccountProductType": "",
"CreditLastCycleToNextBusinessDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"CustomerAccountType": "",
"DebitLastCycleToNextBusinessDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"DueDateOfPayment": "2023-05-14T22:00:01Z",
"MinimumAmountLimit": 0,
"NumberOfCardHolders": 0,
"CreditLimit": 1,
"DebitAccountBankName": "",
"PendingTransactions": 0,
"Banks": {
"Name": "Investec South Africa",
"ChipsUID": "",
"Branch": [
"Number": ""
"PostalAddress": {
"AddressLine1": "",
"AddressLine2": "",
"City": "",
"Country": null
"Currencies": {
"CurrencyCode": "ZAR"
"InterestDistribution": "",
"NoticesBalance": 0,
"AccountOpenDate": "2021-07-01T22:00:01Z",
"CumulativeNoticesAmount": 0,
"InstantAvailableNoticeBalance": 0,
"MinimimAmountLimit": 0,
"loggedOnUser": {
"UserFirstName": "John",
"UserLastName": "Doe",
"UserCompany": "John Doe (Pty) Ltd"
"NoticeInterestNominated": 0,
"NoticeInterestBank": "",
"noticeInterestAccountName": "",
"NoticeInterestAccount": "",
"PreviousStatementPeriod": "2023-01-01T22:00:01Z",
"DebitAccountNumber": "",
"DealReference": "",
"AutomaticPaymentOrder": "0",
"BackOfficeCustomerCode": "JDCARD",
"AccountId": "10111",
"AccountName": "10011111111 Credit Card",
"AccountFullName": "",
"AccountType": "Credit Card",
"AccountTypeId": "1",
"AccountNumber": "10011111111",
"AlternativeAccNo": "",
"ElectronicAccountNumber": "",
"Balances": {
"CapitalBalance": 100,
"AvailableBalance": 100,
"PrincipalAmount": 0,
"ValueDate": "2023-01-01T22:00:01Z",
"ClosingBalance": 200,
"PendingCardBalance": 0
"BackOfficeType": "",
"Products": {
"StartDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"EndDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"OverdraftLimit": 0,
"MaxTransferLimit": 0
"Description": "Credit Card",
"OwnerType": "1",
"Interests": {
"Amount": 0,
"Rate": 0,
"RateMaturity": 0,
"RateCredit": 0,
"RateDebit": 10,
"AccruedCreditInterest": 0,
"AccruedDebitInterest": 0
"ActiveFlag": "Y",
"NickName": "Credit Card",
"CreatedDate": "2021-07-01T22:00:01Z",
"ModifiedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"MaturityAmount": 0,
"StatementFrequency": "",
"StatementNumber": "",
"StatementDay": "0",
"StatementMonth": "",
"EmailAddress": "",
"Category": "Borrow",
"LinkedAccount": "",
"AccountFormat": "4"
"links": {
"self": null
"meta": {
"totalPages": 1
Follow these steps for 🏦 Private Banking using the appropriate Postman collection and API endpoints as above. The account balance for 🧰 CIB is included in the Get Accounts request.
Retrieve the accountID from your previous call to get accounts.
Head over to the "Variables" table to insert your accountID. You can also set it under the Params tab on the query page.
Navigate to the Accounts folder and the GET Account Balance query .
Hit Send to make a call to the API endpoint.
"data": {
"accountId": "3353431574710163189587446",
"currentBalance": 33607.16,
"availableBalance": 33607.16,
"currency": "ZAR"
"links": {
"self": ""
"meta": {
"totalPages": 1
Follow these steps for 🏦 Private Banking and 🧰 CIB, using the appropriate Postman collection and API endpoints as above.
Ensure you have added your accountID to the "Variables" table
Navigate to the GET Account transactions query and set the dates for which you would like to view the transactions by selecting fromDate and toDate in the Query params table and adding the dates.
fromDate and toDate can be any formatted ISO 8601 date [Example of formatted date: 1999-09-09]].
Hit Send to make a call to the API endpoint.
"data": {
"transactions": [
"accountId": "3353431574710163189587446",
"type": "DEBIT",
"transactionType": "CardPurchases",
"status": "POSTED",
"cardNumber": "402261xxxxxx0011",
"postedOrder": 11049,
"postingDate": "2023-04-13",
"valueDate": "2023-04-30",
"actionDate": "2023-04-12",
"transactionDate": "2023-04-11",
"amount": 53.6,
"runningBalance": 34679.66
"accountId": "3353431574710163189587446",
"type": "DEBIT",
"transactionType": "CardPurchases",
"status": "POSTED",
"cardNumber": "402261xxxxxx0018",
"postedOrder": 11050,
"postingDate": "2023-04-13",
"valueDate": "2023-04-30",
"actionDate": "2023-04-12",
"transactionDate": "2023-04-12",
"amount": 374,
"runningBalance": 34305.66
"links": {
"self": ""
"meta": {
"totalPages": 1
"data": {
"transactions": [
"AccountName": "ZAR 1900539687921 SmartRate Plus Notice 32",
"TransactionCode": "9",
"TransactionStatus": "approved",
"InvestmentDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"InvestmentDateUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"InvestmentDateSa": "0001-01-01T01:52:00+01:52",
"InvestmentName": null,
"InvestmentStatus": null,
"RemainingTerm": null,
"InvestmentAmount": null,
"StatementId": "52292",
"InstantAccessBalance": null,
"BranchCode": null,
"AccountNumber": null,
"DistributionAccount": null,
"AccountType": null,
"PostDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"PostDateUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"PostDateSa": "0001-01-01T01:52:00+01:52",
"Interest": null,
"AccruedInterest": null,
"MaturityDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"MaturityDateUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"MaturityDateSa": "0001-01-01T01:52:00+01:52",
"BankName": null,
"CustomerReferenceId": "",
"BackOfficeReferenceId": "",
"CardNumber": "92974054603",
"TransactionId": "202304110000000000009",
"Reference": "DVfZ WT tmKkeb",
"Beneficiaries": {
"LinkList": null,
"Entities": {
"EntityName": "aQaZUGJXQuCqxwJX JoYk ftvSWKWybWXPS OZVmxIq"
"Description": "X bssSCS",
"Accounts": {
"AccountId": 91974,
"AccountNumber": "1900539687921"
"Currencies": {
"CurrencyCode": "ZAR"
"CaptureDate": "2023-07-19T18:25:33.83Z",
"CaptureDateUtc": "2023-07-19T18:25:33.83Z",
"CaptureDateSa": "2023-07-19T20:25:33.83+02:00",
"ValueDate": "2023-07-19T18:25:33.83Z",
"ValueDateUtc": "2023-07-19T18:25:33.83Z",
"ValueDateSa": "2023-07-19T20:25:33.83+02:00",
"CardHolderName": "mj TgW VOGbTQo",
"AutoForwardProcessingDate": false,
"Amount": -130000000,
"Reference_1": "99162191",
"Reference_2": "",
"Reference_3": "MAECrNWJfonnjpifiJDlhUBtixrq kMHnf",
"Reference_4": null,
"Reference_5": null,
"Reference_8": "665",
"Reference_9": "gUDASgs t pwqHBeowNZBJwJkEGIMdEErHJXocDrXTfbeIRRjF srDkOAdOxUvfWnsCFhSZLKkxJ TyMlYXsoCDyP USlHaNRRMwItGdxJrP",
"Reference_10": "",
"RunningBalance": 19290794.77
"AccountName": "ZAR 1900539687921 SmartRate Plus Notice 32",
"TransactionCode": "10",
"TransactionStatus": "approved",
"InvestmentDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"InvestmentDateUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"InvestmentDateSa": "0001-01-01T01:52:00+01:52",
"InvestmentName": null,
"InvestmentStatus": null,
"RemainingTerm": null,
"InvestmentAmount": null,
"StatementId": "52311",
"InstantAccessBalance": null,
"BranchCode": null,
"AccountNumber": null,
"DistributionAccount": null,
"AccountType": null,
"PostDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"PostDateUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"PostDateSa": "0001-01-01T01:52:00+01:52",
"Interest": null,
"AccruedInterest": null,
"MaturityDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"MaturityDateUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"MaturityDateSa": "0001-01-01T01:52:00+01:52",
"BankName": null,
"CustomerReferenceId": "",
"BackOfficeReferenceId": "",
"CardNumber": "",
"TransactionId": "202304300000000000010",
"Reference": "",
"Beneficiaries": {
"LinkList": null,
"Entities": {
"EntityName": "hdPZPMq "
"Description": "VpXcXPsq",
"Accounts": {
"AccountId": 91974,
"AccountNumber": "1900539687921"
"Currencies": {
"CurrencyCode": "ZAR"
"CaptureDate": "2023-08-07T18:25:33.83Z",
"CaptureDateUtc": "2023-08-07T18:25:33.83Z",
"CaptureDateSa": "2023-08-07T20:25:33.83+02:00",
"ValueDate": "2023-08-07T18:25:33.83Z",
"ValueDateUtc": "2023-08-07T18:25:33.83Z",
"ValueDateSa": "2023-08-07T20:25:33.83+02:00",
"CardHolderName": "",
"AutoForwardProcessingDate": false,
"Amount": 1313801.71,
"Reference_1": "",
"Reference_2": "",
"Reference_3": "",
"Reference_4": null,
"Reference_5": null,
"Reference_8": "797",
"Reference_9": "vPqivetP",
"Reference_10": "",
"RunningBalance": 20604596.48
"AccountName": "ZAR 1900539687921 SmartRate Plus Notice 32",
"TransactionCode": "11",
"TransactionStatus": "approved",
"InvestmentDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"InvestmentDateUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"InvestmentDateSa": "0001-01-01T01:52:00+01:52",
"InvestmentName": null,
"InvestmentStatus": null,
"RemainingTerm": null,
"InvestmentAmount": null,
"StatementId": "52342",
"InstantAccessBalance": null,
"BranchCode": null,
"AccountNumber": null,
"DistributionAccount": null,
"AccountType": null,
"PostDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"PostDateUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"PostDateSa": "0001-01-01T01:52:00+01:52",
"Interest": null,
"AccruedInterest": null,
"MaturityDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"MaturityDateUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"MaturityDateSa": "0001-01-01T01:52:00+01:52",
"BankName": null,
"CustomerReferenceId": "",
"BackOfficeReferenceId": "",
"CardNumber": "",
"TransactionId": "202305310000000000011",
"Reference": "",
"Beneficiaries": {
"LinkList": null,
"Entities": {
"EntityName": "pZwWKoPA"
"Description": " tqwoyld",
"Accounts": {
"AccountId": 91974,
"AccountNumber": "1900539687921"
"Currencies": {
"CurrencyCode": "ZAR"
"CaptureDate": "2023-09-07T18:25:33.83Z",
"CaptureDateUtc": "2023-09-07T18:25:33.83Z",
"CaptureDateSa": "2023-09-07T20:25:33.83+02:00",
"ValueDate": "2023-09-08T18:25:33.83Z",
"ValueDateUtc": "2023-09-08T18:25:33.83Z",
"ValueDateSa": "2023-09-08T20:25:33.83+02:00",
"CardHolderName": "",
"AutoForwardProcessingDate": false,
"Amount": 1076307.1,
"Reference_1": "",
"Reference_2": "",
"Reference_3": "",
"Reference_4": null,
"Reference_5": null,
"Reference_8": "",
"Reference_9": " HT icGG",
"Reference_10": "",
"RunningBalance": 21680903.58
"AccountName": "ZAR 1900539687921 SmartRate Plus Notice 32",
"TransactionCode": "12",
"TransactionStatus": "approved",
"InvestmentDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"InvestmentDateUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"InvestmentDateSa": "0001-01-01T01:52:00+01:52",
"InvestmentName": null,
"InvestmentStatus": null,
"RemainingTerm": null,
"InvestmentAmount": null,
"StatementId": "52372",
"InstantAccessBalance": null,
"BranchCode": null,
"AccountNumber": null,
"DistributionAccount": null,
"AccountType": null,
"PostDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"PostDateUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"PostDateSa": "0001-01-01T01:52:00+01:52",
"Interest": null,
"AccruedInterest": null,
"MaturityDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"MaturityDateUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"MaturityDateSa": "0001-01-01T01:52:00+01:52",
"BankName": null,
"CustomerReferenceId": "",
"BackOfficeReferenceId": "",
"CardNumber": "",
"TransactionId": "202306300000000000012",
"Reference": "",
"Beneficiaries": {
"LinkList": null,
"Entities": {
"EntityName": "lAxjcVbg"
"Description": "gLeRJPbl",
"Accounts": {
"AccountId": 91974,
"AccountNumber": "1900539687921"
"Currencies": {
"CurrencyCode": "ZAR"
"CaptureDate": "2023-10-07T18:25:33.83Z",
"CaptureDateUtc": "2023-10-07T18:25:33.83Z",
"CaptureDateSa": "2023-10-07T20:25:33.83+02:00",
"ValueDate": "2023-10-08T18:25:33.83Z",
"ValueDateUtc": "2023-10-08T18:25:33.83Z",
"ValueDateSa": "2023-10-08T20:25:33.83+02:00",
"CardHolderName": "",
"AutoForwardProcessingDate": false,
"Amount": 1103322.74,
"Reference_1": "",
"Reference_2": "",
"Reference_3": "",
"Reference_4": null,
"Reference_5": null,
"Reference_8": "",
"Reference_9": "rIYXgXSU",
"Reference_10": "",
"RunningBalance": 22784226.32
"links": {
"self": ""
"meta": {
"TotalCount": 4,
"TotalPages": 1,
"CurrentPage": 1,
"CurrentPageSize": 100,
"ResultCount": 4
Pro Tips:
You may have noticed, the endpoint accepts a pagination parameter for when you need to iterate through a longer transaction history.
Filtering can be done using the postingdate
postingdate is the date at which the transaction affects your balance
transactiondate is the date on which the transaction took place (day the card was physically swiped)
curl --location '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
curl --location '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
curl --location '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
curl --location '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: [[Authorization-masked-secret]]'
curl --location '<<account id>>/transactions?fromDate=2023-01-01&toDate=2023-01-31' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: [[Authorization-masked-secret]]'